下面的代码是将 -999999999999 到 999999999999 的整数转换成金额大写形式,如果还要加上带两位小数的,大家在这个基础上改一下就可以了。总共四十几行,就不加注释了
#encoding=utf-8 class Num2Chinese: def __init__(self): self.ch = ['零','壹','贰','叁','肆','伍','陆','柒','捌','玖'] self.unit0 = ['仟','佰','拾',''] self.unit1 = ['亿','万',''] # 不大于10000的数 def convertFor0000(self,num): tmp = ('0000' + str(num))[-4:] if tmp=='0000': return '零' else: tmpCh = '' for i in range(4): tmpCh += self.ch[int(tmp[i])] + self.unit0[i] tmpCh = tmpCh.replace("零仟","零").replace("零佰","零").replace("零拾","零") tmpCh = tmpCh.replace("零零零零","零").replace("零零零", "零").replace("零零", "零") if tmpCh.endswith('零'): tmpCh = tmpCh[0:-1] return tmpCh def convert(self,num): if num>0 and num <= 999999999999: tmp = ('000000000000' + str(num))[-12:] tmpCh = '' for i in range(0, 12, 4): numStr = tmp[i:i + 4] tmpCh += self.convertFor0000(numStr) + self.unit1[i // 4] tmpCh = tmpCh.replace("零亿", "零").replace("零万", "零") tmpCh = tmpCh.replace("零零零零", "零").replace("零零零", "零").replace("零零", "零") if tmpCh.startswith('零'): tmpCh = tmpCh[1:] if tmpCh.endswith('零'): tmpCh = tmpCh[0:-1] # if tmpCh.startswith('一十'): # tmpCh = tmpCh[1:] return tmpCh elif num<0 and num >= -999999999999: return '负' + self.convert(0-num) elif num == 0: return '零' elif num>999999999999 or num<-999999999999: return '超出范围' else: return '未知' if __name__=='__main__': print(Num2Chinese().convert(100108500010))