相信很多同学都听说过六度空间理论(SixDegress of Separation):只要通过6个人的关系网,你就能够认识全世界所有的人。这个理论和我们接下来要讲的图非常相似。
6.1 邻接矩阵的优点
6.2 邻接矩阵的缺点
6.3 邻接矩阵的代码表示
6.3.1 c表示
/* C语言实现 */ /* 图的邻接矩阵表示法 */ #define MaxVertexNum 100 /* 最大顶点数设为100 */ #define INFINITY 65535 /* ∞设为双字节无符号整数的最大值65535*/ typedef int Vertex; /* 用顶点下标表示顶点,为整型 */ typedef int WeightType; /* 边的权值设为整型 */ typedef char DataType; /* 顶点存储的数据类型设为字符型 */ /* 边的定义 */ typedef struct ENode *PtrToENode; struct ENode{ Vertex V1, V2; /* 有向边<V1, V2> */ WeightType Weight; /* 权重 */ }; typedef PtrToENode Edge; /* 图结点的定义 */ typedef struct GNode *PtrToGNode; struct GNode{ int Nv; /* 顶点数 */ int Ne; /* 边数 */ WeightType G[MaxVertexNum][MaxVertexNum]; /* 邻接矩阵 */ DataType Data[MaxVertexNum]; /* 存顶点的数据 */ /* 注意:很多情况下,顶点无数据,此时Data[]可以不用出现 */ }; typedef PtrToGNode MGraph; /* 以邻接矩阵存储的图类型 */ MGraph CreateGraph( int VertexNum ) { /* 初始化一个有VertexNum个顶点但没有边的图 */ Vertex V, W; MGraph Graph; Graph = (MGraph)malloc(sizeof(struct GNode)); /* 建立图 */ Graph->Nv = VertexNum; Graph->Ne = 0; /* 初始化邻接矩阵 */ /* 注意:这里默认顶点编号从0开始,到(Graph->Nv - 1) */ for (V=0; V<Graph->Nv; V++) for (W=0; W<Graph->Nv; W++) Graph->G[V][W] = INFINITY; return Graph; } void InsertEdge( MGraph Graph, Edge E ) { /* 插入边 <V1, V2> */ Graph->G[E->V1][E->V2] = E->Weight; /* 若是无向图,还要插入边<V2, V1> */ Graph->G[E->V2][E->V1] = E->Weight; } MGraph BuildGraph() { MGraph Graph; Edge E; Vertex V; int Nv, i; scanf("%d", &Nv); /* 读入顶点个数 */ Graph = CreateGraph(Nv); /* 初始化有Nv个顶点但没有边的图 */ scanf("%d", &(Graph->Ne)); /* 读入边数 */ if ( Graph->Ne != 0 ) { /* 如果有边 */ E = (Edge)malloc(sizeof(struct ENode)); /* 建立边结点 */ /* 读入边,格式为"起点 终点 权重",插入邻接矩阵 */ for (i=0; i<Graph->Ne; i++) { scanf("%d %d %d", &E->V1, &E->V2, &E->Weight); /* 注意:如果权重不是整型,Weight的读入格式要改 */ InsertEdge( Graph, E ); } } /* 如果顶点有数据的话,读入数据 */ for (V=0; V<Graph->Nv; V++) scanf(" %c", &(Graph->Data[V])); return Graph; }
6.3.2 Python表示
# python语言实现 # python闭门造车版本,没有一定实力,你就别为难自己了 class Graph_Matrix: """ Adjacency Matrix """ def __init__(self, vertices=[], matrix=[]): """ :param vertices:a dict with vertex id and index of matrix , such as {vertex:index} :param matrix: a matrix """ self.matrix = matrix self.edges_dict = {} # {(tail, head):weight} self.edges_array = [] # (tail, head, weight) self.vertices = vertices self.num_edges = 0 # if provide adjacency matrix then create the edges list if len(matrix) > 0: if len(vertices) != len(matrix): raise IndexError self.edges = self.getAllEdges() self.num_edges = len(self.edges) # if do not provide a adjacency matrix, but provide the vertices list, build a matrix with 0 elif len(vertices) > 0: self.matrix = [[0 for col in range(len(vertices))] for row in range(len(vertices))] self.num_vertices = len(self.matrix) def isOutRange(self, x): try: if x >= self.num_vertices or x <= 0: raise IndexError except IndexError: print("节点下标出界") def isEmpty(self): if self.num_vertices == 0: self.num_vertices = len(self.matrix) return self.num_vertices == 0 def add_vertex(self, key): if key not in self.vertices: self.vertices[key] = len(self.vertices) + 1 # add a vertex mean add a row and a column # add a column for every row for i in range(self.getVerticesNumbers()): self.matrix[i].Append(0) self.num_vertices += 1 nRow = [0] * self.num_vertices self.matrix.append(nRow) def getVertex(self, key): pass def add_edges_from_list(self, edges_list): # edges_list : [(tail, head, weight),()] for i in range(len(edges_list)): self.add_edge(edges_list[i][0], edges_list[i][1], edges_list[i][2], ) def add_edge(self, tail, head, cost=0): # if self.vertices.index(tail) >= 0: # self.addVertex(tail) if tail not in self.vertices: self.add_vertex(tail) # if self.vertices.index(head) >= 0: # self.addVertex(head) if head not in self.vertices: self.add_vertex(head) # for directory matrix self.matrix[self.vertices.index(tail)][self.vertices.index(head)] = cost # for non-directory matrix # self.matrix[self.vertices.index(fromV)][self.vertices.index(toV)] = # self.matrix[self.vertices.index(toV)][self.vertices.index(fromV)] = cost self.edges_dict[(tail, head)] = cost self.edges_array.append((tail, head, cost)) self.num_edges = len(self.edges_dict) def getEdges(self, V): pass def getVerticesNumbers(self): if self.num_vertices == 0: self.num_vertices = len(self.matrix) return self.num_vertices def getAllVertices(self): return self.vertices def getAllEdges(self): for i in range(len(self.matrix)): for j in range(len(self.matrix)): if 0 < self.matrix[i][j] < float('inf'): self.edges_dict[self.vertices[i], self.vertices[j]] = self.matrix[i][j] self.edges_array.append([self.vertices[i], self.vertices[j], self.matrix[i][j]]) return self.edges_array def __repr__(self): return str(''.join(str(i) for i in self.matrix)) def to_do_vertex(self, i): print('vertex: %s' % (self.vertices[i])) def to_do_edge(self, w, k): print('edge tail: %s, edge head: %s, weight: %s' % (self.vertices[w], self.vertices[k], str(self.matrix[w][k]))) import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def draw_undircted_graph(my_graph): G = nx.Graph() # 建立一个空的无向图G for node in my_graph.vertices: G.add_node(str(node)) for edge in my_graph.edges: G.add_edge(str(edge[0]), str(edge[1])) print("nodes:", G.nodes()) # 输出全部的节点: [1, 2, 3] print("edges:", G.edges()) # 输出全部的边:[(2, 3)] print("number of edges:", G.number_of_edges()) # 输出边的数量:1 nx.draw(G, with_labels=True) plt.savefig("undirected_graph.png") plt.show()
# python语言实现 # python导入模块 import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np G = nx.Graph() Matrix = np.array( [ [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], # a [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], # b [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], # c [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], # d [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], # e [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], # f [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1], # g [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0] # h ] ) # 建立一个空的无向图 for i in range(len(Matrix)): for j in range(len(Matrix)): G.add_edge(i, j) nx.draw(G) plt.show()
7.1 邻接表的优点
7.2 邻接表的缺点
7.3 邻接表的代码表示
7.2.1 c表示
/* c语言实现 */ /* 图的邻接表表示法 */ #define MaxVertexNum 100 /* 最大顶点数设为100 */ typedef int Vertex; /* 用顶点下标表示顶点,为整型 */ typedef int WeightType; /* 边的权值设为整型 */ typedef char DataType; /* 顶点存储的数据类型设为字符型 */ /* 边的定义 */ typedef struct ENode *PtrToENode; struct ENode{ Vertex V1, V2; /* 有向边<V1, V2> */ WeightType Weight; /* 权重 */ }; typedef PtrToENode Edge; /* 邻接点的定义 */ typedef struct AdjVNode *PtrToAdjVNode; struct AdjVNode{ Vertex AdjV; /* 邻接点下标 */ WeightType Weight; /* 边权重 */ PtrToAdjVNode Next; /* 指向下一个邻接点的指针 */ }; /* 顶点表头结点的定义 */ typedef struct Vnode{ PtrToAdjVNode FirstEdge;/* 边表头指针 */ DataType Data; /* 存顶点的数据 */ /* 注意:很多情况下,顶点无数据,此时Data可以不用出现 */ } AdjList[MaxVertexNum]; /* AdjList是邻接表类型 */ /* 图结点的定义 */ typedef struct GNode *PtrToGNode; struct GNode{ int Nv; /* 顶点数 */ int Ne; /* 边数 */ AdjList G; /* 邻接表 */ }; typedef PtrToGNode LGraph; /* 以邻接表方式存储的图类型 */ LGraph CreateGraph( int VertexNum ) { /* 初始化一个有VertexNum个顶点但没有边的图 */ Vertex V; LGraph Graph; Graph = (LGraph)malloc( sizeof(struct GNode) ); /* 建立图 */ Graph->Nv = VertexNum; Graph->Ne = 0; /* 初始化邻接表头指针 */ /* 注意:这里默认顶点编号从0开始,到(Graph->Nv - 1) */ for (V=0; V<Graph->Nv; V++) Graph->G[V].FirstEdge = NULL; return Graph; } void InsertEdge( LGraph Graph, Edge E ) { PtrToAdjVNode NewNode; /* 插入边 <V1, V2> */ /* 为V2建立新的邻接点 */ NewNode = (PtrToAdjVNode)malloc(sizeof(struct AdjVNode)); NewNode->AdjV = E->V2; NewNode->Weight = E->Weight; /* 将V2插入V1的表头 */ NewNode->Next = Graph->G[E->V1].FirstEdge; Graph->G[E->V1].FirstEdge = NewNode; /* 若是无向图,还要插入边 <V2, V1> */ /* 为V1建立新的邻接点 */ NewNode = (PtrToAdjVNode)malloc(sizeof(struct AdjVNode)); NewNode->AdjV = E->V1; NewNode->Weight = E->Weight; /* 将V1插入V2的表头 */ NewNode->Next = Graph->G[E->V2].FirstEdge; Graph->G[E->V2].FirstEdge = NewNode; } LGraph BuildGraph() { LGraph Graph; Edge E; Vertex V; int Nv, i; scanf("%d", &Nv); /* 读入顶点个数 */ Graph = CreateGraph(Nv); /* 初始化有Nv个顶点但没有边的图 */ scanf("%d", &(Graph->Ne)); /* 读入边数 */ if ( Graph->Ne != 0 ) { /* 如果有边 */ E = (Edge)malloc( sizeof(struct ENode) ); /* 建立边结点 */ /* 读入边,格式为"起点 终点 权重",插入邻接矩阵 */ for (i=0; i<Graph->Ne; i++) { scanf("%d %d %d", &E->V1, &E->V2, &E->Weight); /* 注意:如果权重不是整型,Weight的读入格式要改 */ InsertEdge( Graph, E ); } } /* 如果顶点有数据的话,读入数据 */ for (V=0; V<Graph->Nv; V++) scanf(" %c", &(Graph->G[V].Data)); return Graph; }
7.3.2 Python表示
# python语言实现 class Vertex(object): # 初始化顶点 def __init__(self, key): self.id = key # 初始化顶点的键 self.connectedTo = {} # 初始化顶点的值 # 添加邻居顶点,参数nbr是邻居顶点的键,默认权重为0 def addNeighbor(self, nbr, weight=0): self.connectedTo[nbr] = weight def __str__(self): return str(self.id) + ' connectedTo: ' + str([x.id for x in self.connectedTo]) # 获取该顶点所有邻居顶点的键 def getConnections(self): return self.connectedTo.keys() # 获取顶点的键 def getId(self): return self.id # 获取到某邻居顶点的权重 def getWeight(self, nbr): return self.connectedTo[nbr] # 自定义图类 class Graph(object): # 初始化图 def __init__(self): self.vertList = {} # 初始化邻接表 self.numVertices = 0 # 初始化顶点数 # 添加顶点 def addVertex(self, key): newVertex = Vertex(key) # 创建顶点 self.vertList[key] = newVertex # 将新顶点添加到邻接表中 self.numVertices = self.numVertices + 1 # 邻接表中顶点数+1 return newVertex # 获取顶点 def getVertex(self, n): if n in self.vertList: # 若待查询顶点在邻接表中,则 return self.vertList[n] # 返回该顶点 else: return None # 使之可用in方法 def __contains__(self, n): return n in self.vertList # 添加边,参数f为起始顶点的键,t为目标顶点的键,cost为权重 def addEdge(self, f, t, cost=0): if f not in self.vertList: # 起始顶点不在邻接表中,则 self.addVertex(f) # 添加起始顶点 if t not in self.vertList: # 目标顶点不在邻接表中,则 self.addVertex(t) # 添加目标顶点 self.vertList[f].addNeighbor(self.vertList[t], cost) # 在邻接表中添加起始点的目标点及权重 # 获取邻接表中所有顶点的键 def getVertices(self): return self.vertList.keys() # 迭代显示邻接表的每个顶点的邻居节点 def __iter__(self): return iter(self.vertList.values()) if __name__ == '__main__': g = Graph() # 实例化图类 for i in range(6): g.addVertex(i) # 给邻接表添加节点 print(g.vertList) # 打印邻接表 g.addEdge(0, 1, 5) # 给邻接表添加边及权重 g.addEdge(0, 5, 2) g.addEdge(1, 2, 4) g.addEdge(2, 3, 9) g.addEdge(3, 4, 7) g.addEdge(3, 5, 3) g.addEdge(4, 0, 1) g.addEdge(5, 4, 8) g.addEdge(5, 2, 1) for v in g: # 循环每个顶点 for w in v.getConnections(): # 循环每个顶点的所有邻居节点 print("(%s, %s)" % (v.getId(), w.getId())) # 打印顶点和其邻居节点的键