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时间:2022-02-07 13:46:34  来源:  作者:壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌

aaa 解释AAA

acl 解释 Specify ACL configuration information

alarm解释 Enter the alarm view

anti-attack 解释 Specify anti-attack configurations

Application-apperceive 解释 Set application-apperceive information

arp 解释 ARP module

arp-miss 解释 Specify ARP MISS configuration information

arp-suppress 解释 Specify arp suppress configuration information, default is disabled

authentication 解释 Authentication

autoconfig 解释 AutoConfig configuration information

bfd 解释 Specify BFD(Bidirectional Forwarding Detection)configuration information

bgp 解释 Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)

bootrom 解释 BootRom

bpdu 解释 BPDU message

btv 解释 Btv view

bulk-file 解释 Specify the file name of bulk statistics

bulk-stat 解释 Set bulk statistics

capture-packet 解释 Capture-packet

ccc 解释 Circuit cross connection

cfm 解释 Connectivity fault management

clear 解释 Cancel current configuration

cluster 解释 Specify the information for cluster configuration

command-privilege 解释 Specify the command level

cp-car 解释 Cpu car setting

cpu-defend 解释 Configure CPU defend policy

cpu-defend-policy 解释 Configure CPU defend policy

cpu-usage 解释 Set cpu usage configuration

dhcp 解释 Dynamic host configure protocol

dhcp-snooping 解释 DHCP snooping

dhcpv6 解释 DHCPv6

diffserv 解释 Specify diffserv parameters

display 解释 Display priority information

dldp 解释 Device link detection protocol

DNS 解释 Specify domain name system

domain 解释 Default domain

dot1x 解释 802.1x configuration information

drop 解释 Discard attribute

drop-profile 解释 Drop profile

dsa 解释 Specify DSA module configurations

e-trunk 解释 E-Trunk

ecmp 解释 ECMP

efm 解释 EFM module

erps 解释 Ethernet ring protection switching

error-down 解释 The interface was shut down because of an error event

event 解释 Enter the event view

execute 解释 Batch command

fib 解释 FIB status and configuration information

file 解释 Specify file system configuration information

ftp 解释 Set the FTP server attributes

garp 解释 Generic Attribute Registration Protocol

gtsm 解释 The generalized TTL security mechanism

gvrp 解释 Generic VLAN Registration Protocol

header 解释 Define the login banner

hwtacacs 解释

hwtacacs-server 解释

icmp 解释 Specify ICMP configuration information

icmp-reply 解释 Enable ICMP reply fast

igmp 解释 Specify IGMP configuration information

igmp-snooping 解释 Specify parameters for IGMP-Snooping

info-center 解释 Specify message output configuration information

interface 解释 Specify the interface configuration view

ip 解释 Specify IP configurations for the system

ipv4 解释 Configure ip packet

ipv6 解释 Enable IPv6 functionality

isis 解释 Intermediate System to Intermediate System (ISIS) routes

keychain 解释 Keychain authentication

l2-topology 解释 Layer 2 topology

l2protocol-tunnel 解释 Layer 2 protocol tunnel

lacp 解释 Link aggregation control protocol

lldp 解释 Link Layer Discovery Protocol

load-balance 解释 Specify load balance mode

loopback-detect 解释 Loopback detect function

lspv 解释 Lsp verification

mac-address 解释 Mac address

mac-authen 解释 MAC authenticate configure information

mac-forced-forwarding 解释 Mac-Forced Forwarding

mac-learning 解释 MAC learning

mac-spoofing-defend 解释 MAC spoofing defend

matched 解释 Is Command can be matched by upper template

mip解释 Configure a rule used to create MIP

mld-snooping 解释 Specify parameters for MLD-Snooping

monitor-link 解释 Monitor link configuration information

mpls 解释 Specify MPLS(Multiprotocol Label Switching) configuration information

mpls-qos 解释 MPLS QoS

msdp 解释 Specify MSDP(Multicast Source Discovery Protocol) configuration information

mtrace 解释 Trace route to multicast source

multicast 解释 Multicast information

nap 解释 NAP protocol

nd 解释 Neighbor discovery

ndp 解释 Neighbor discovery protocol

nqa 解释 Network Quality Analysis(NQA)

nqa-jitter 解释 Switch NQA jitter version

nqa-server 解释 Specify NQA echo server

ntdp 解释 Network topology discovery protocol

ntp-service 解释 Specify NTP (Network Time Protocol) configuration information

oam-mgr 解释 Oam-mgr view

observe-port 解释 Configure observe port feature

ospf 解释 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

ospfv3解释 OSPF version 3 for IPv6

pim 解释 Specify PIM(Protocol Independent Multicast) configuration information

ping 解释 Ping function

policy-based-route 解释 Specify a policy for policy based routing

port-group 解释 Port-group

port-isolate 解释 Port isolate

port-mirroring 解释 Mirror port

portal 解释 Configure Portal local server

portswitch 解释 Switch port between router and switch mode

pppoe 解释 PPPOE

pw-template 解释 Specify PW template configuration

qos 解释 QoS configuration

quit 解释 Exit from current command view

radius-server 解释 Add or delete RADIUS server template

refresh 解释 Refresh routes to I/O board

reset 解释 Reset operation

return 解释 Exit to user view

rip 解释 RIP (Routing Information Protocol)

ripng 解释 RIPng (Routing information next generation protocol)

rmon 解释 Specify RMON configuration

rmon2 解释 Specify RMON2 configuration

route 解释 Routing Module

route-policy 解释 Route-policy

route-policy-change 解释 Specify route policy change parameter

router 解释 Configure router information

rrpp 解释 Rapid ring protection protocol

rsa 解释 Specify RSA module configuration information

scp 解释 Set SCP server

screen-width 解释 Set screen width

script-string 解释 Define a modem script-string

sep 解释 Smart ethernet protection

service 解释 Toggle service mode. By default it is off

set 解释 Set

sftp 解释 Set SFTP service attribute

smart-link 解释 Smart link configuration information

snmp-agent 解释 Specify SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) configuration information

ssh 解释 Set the SSH (secure shell) configuration attribute

stack 解释 Stack

static-lsp 解释 Static LSP configuration

stelnet 解释 Set Stelnet service attribute

stp 解释 Specify Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) configuration information

super 解释 Modify super password parameters

sysname 解释 Specify the host name

tcp 解释 Specify TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) configuration information

telnet 解释 Set the status of the Telnet service

temperature 解释 Device temperature

test-aaa 解释 Accounts test

test-packet 解释 Set the test packet

tftp 解释 Establish a TFTP connection

tftp-server 解释 TFTP server

time-range 解释 Specify time-range configuration information

trace 解释 Trace route (switch) to host on Data Link Layer

tracert 解释 Trace route to host

traffic 解释 Specify traffic configuration information

traffic-delete 解释 Delete sacl

traffic-filter 解释 Filter packets based on acl

traffic-limit 解释 Limit the rate of the packets based on acl

traffic-mirror 解释 Mirror packets based on acl

traffic-policy 解释 Apply specific traffic policy

traffic-redirect 解释 Redirect packets based on acl

traffic-remark 解释 Remark packets based on acl

traffic-statistic 解释 Count packets based on acl

trunk 解释 Trunk interface

ttl 解释 Time to live

tunnel-selector 解释 Tunnel-policy selector

udp-helper 解释 UDP Helper

undo 解释 Cancel current configuration

unknown-unicast 解释 Unknown unicast

upgrade 解释 Upgrade software online

user-bind 解释 User bind

user-group 解释 User group

user-interface 解释 Configure the user terminal interface

vlan 解释 Virtual LAN

voice-vlan 解释 Voice VLAN

vrrp 解释 Specify configuration information about VRRP

web-auth-server 解释 Portal authentication server

Tags:华为交换机   点击:()  评论:()
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