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Fping - 高性能Ping工具

时间:2022-04-14 16:40:42  来源:  作者:IT智能化专栏

Fping是一个命令行工具,类似于ping,用于发送ICMP ( Inte.NET控制消息协议 ),Fping与ping不同之处在于可以指定要ping的主机数量范围或主机列表文件,而且性能要高很多。




1. Fping多个IP地址

# fping

2. Fping IP地址范围

# fping -s -g


# fping -g -r 1


# fping < fping.txt


−4, −−ipv4

Restrict name resolution and IPs to IPv4 addresses.

−6, −−ipv6

Restrict name resolution and IPs to IPv6 addresses.

−a, −−alive

Show systems that are alive.

−A, −−addr

Display targets by address rather than DNS name. Combined with −d, the output will be both the ip and (if avAIlable) the hostname.

−b, −−size= BYTES

Number of bytes of ping data to send. The minimum size (normally 12) allows room for the data that fping needs to do its work (sequence number, timestamp). The reported received data size includes the IP header (normally 20 bytes) and ICMP header (8 bytes), so the minimum total size is 40 bytes. Default is 56, as in ping. Maximum is the theoretical maximum IP datagram size (64K), though most systems limit this to a smaller, system-dependent number.

−B, −−backoff=N

Backoff factor. In the default mode, fping sends several requests to a target before giving up, waiting longer for a reply on each successive request. This parameter is the value by which the wait time (−t) is multiplied on each successive request; it must be entered as a floating-point number (x.y). The default is 1.5.

−c, −−count=N

Number of request packets to send to each target. In this mode, a line is displayed for each received response (this can suppressed with −q or −Q). Also, statistics about responses for each target are displayed when all requests have been sent (or when interrupted).

−C, −−vcount=N

Similar to −c, but the per-target statistics are displayed in a format designed for automated response-time statistics gathering. For example:

 $ fping −C 5 −q somehost
 somehost : 91.7 37.0 29.2 − 36.8
shows the response time in milliseconds for each of the five requests, with the "−" indicating that no response was received to the fourth request.

−d, −−rdns

Use DNS to lookup address of return ping packet. This allows you to give fping a list of IP addresses as input and print hostnames in the output. This is similar to option −n/−−name, but will force a reverse-DNS lookup even if you give hostnames as target ( NAME− > IP− > NAME ).

−D, −−timestamp

Add Unix timestamps in front of output lines generated with in looping or counting modes (−l, −c, or −C).

−e, −−elapsed

Show elapsed (round-trip) time of packets.

−f, −−file

Read list of targets from a file. This option can only be used by the root user. Regular users should pipe in the file via stdin:

 $ fping < targets_file
−g, −−generate addr/mask

Generate a target list from a supplied IP netmask, or a starting and ending IP. Specify the netmask or start/end in the targets portion of the command line. If a network with netmask is given, the network and broadcast addresses will be excluded. ex. To ping the network, the specified command line could look like either:

 $ fping −g

 $ fping −g
−h, −−help

Print usage message.

−H, −−ttl=N

Set the IP TTL field (time to live hops).

−i, −−interval= MSEC

The minimum amount of time (in milliseconds) between sending a ping packet to any target (default is 10, minimum is 1).

−I, −−iface= IFACE

Set the interface (requires SO_BINDTODEVICE support).

−l, −−loop

Loop sending packets to each target indefinitely. Can be interrupted with Ctrl-C; statistics about responses for each target are then displayed.

−m, −−all

Send pings to each of a target host’s multiple IP addresses (use of option ’−A’ is recommended).

−M, −−dontfrag

Set the "Don’t Fragment" bit in the IP header (used to determine/test the MTU ).

−n, −−name

If targets are specified as IP addresses, do a reverse-DNS lookup on them to

−N, −−netdata

Format output for netdata (−l −Q are required). See: <http://my−netdata.io/>

−o, −−outage

Calculate "outage time" based on the number of lost pings and the interval used (useful for network convergence tests).

−O, −−tos=N

Set the typ of service flag ( TOS ). N can be either decimal or hexadecimal (0xh) format.

−p, −−period= MSEC

In looping or counting modes (−l, −c, or −C), this parameter sets the time in milliseconds that fping waits between successive packets to an individual target. Default is 1000 and minimum is 10.

−q, −−quet

Quiet. Don’t show per-probe results, but only the final summary. Also don’t show ICMP error messages.

−Q, −−squiet= SECS

Like −q, but show summary results every n seconds.

−r, −−retry=N

Retry limit (default 3). This is the number of times an attempt at pinging a target will be made, not including the first try.

−R, −−random

Instead of using all-zeros as the packet data, generate random bytes. Use to defeat, e.g., link data compression.

−s, −−src

Print cumulative statistics upon exit.

−S, −−src=addr

Set source address.

−t, −−timeout= MSEC

Initial target timeout in milliseconds. In the default, non-loop mode, the default timeout is 500ms, and it represents the amount of time that fping waits for a response to its first request. Successive timeouts are multiplied by the backoff factor specified with −B.

In loop/count mode, the default timeout is automatically adjusted to match the "period" value (but not more than 2000ms). You can still adjust the timeout value with this option, if you wish to, but note that setting a value larger than "period" produces inconsistent results, because the timeout value can be respected only for the last ping.

Also note that any received replies that are larger than the timeout value, will be discarded.

−T n

Ignored (for compatibility with fping 2.4).

−u, −−unreach

Show targets that are unreachable.

−v, −−version

Print fping version information.

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Fping - 高性能Ping工具
Fping是一个命令行工具,类似于ping,用于发送ICMP ( Internet控制消息协议 ),Fping与ping不同之处在于可以指定要ping的主机数量范围或主机列表文件,而且性能要高很多。Fping主要应...【详细内容】
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